Specjalnie dla Was Wrocław nawiedza jedna z najlepszych i najbardziej popularnych pole dancerek , prawdziwa kobieta rakieta, królowa trików i combosów Hanka Venselaar ♥ ♥ ♥
Hanka has been a competitive gymnast for over 14 years. Since 2006 she has applied all of her experience in gymnastics into the field of Pole Dancing. Since 2007, she has taught master classes and workshops all over the world including the USA, Russia, Germany, Belgium, Italy, France, Poland, and Sweden, UK, Brazil, Japan, Singapore and Chili. Currently, Hanka teaches workshops/privates for her own company ‘Studio Ad Astra’ and groupclasses held at the University Sport Centre in Nijmegen. Her group of students consist of all levels from beginners to elite athletes. Hanka has been successful in competitions for years. She won both the Benelux and European Championships 3 times, competed in several worlds finals (and earned the title for “Best Poletricks” in 2011). She placed 2nd in the Pole WorldCup 2014, won Dutch International PoleArt and 1st runner up during the Pole Expo Pole Classic in Las Vegas and most recently placed 3rd in the IPSF World Artistic Pole Championships
Triple Benelux & European Champion
Dutch National Champion 2015 & Winner Dutch International PoleArt 2015
Finalist Worlds 2011/2012, Winner “Best PoleTricks” Worlds 2011
Finalist IPSF Worlds 2012/2015
1st runner up World Cup 2014, 1st runner up Pole Classic Las Vegas 2015
2nd runner up IPSF World Pole Artistic Championships 2017
Winner Pole Art Croatia & Pole Art Spain 2017, 2nd runner up Pole Art France 2017
1: Blok
Learn fast combinations and signature tricks from Hanka’s recent acts in this exciting workshop. Techniques such as the Tail Spin, Reverse Handspring, and Chinese Cartwheel will be broken down and explained in detail. Moves will be linked in new and creative combinations. We will also cover correct spotting techniques so everyone can practice their new skills safely
2: Blok
Drop till you drop
Every pole move can be combined with a drop! Hanka will show you how to practice your first drops safely. We will also cover more complicated and exciting drops, such as the Special K drop, Monkey drop and Handspring drops. This workshop covers the 3 major categories of drops and will provide you with the tools to create your own! Requirements: Comfortable inverting from floor
Hanka is known for her original and innovative combinations. During this workshop, we will first work on some very useful transition moves that will enable you to make the most creative combo’s. In the 2nd part of this workshop we will play the famous Combination Game in which you will explore and create your own new combo’s!
4: Blok
Spins, Dance & Rotations (All Levels)
Spins are fun! This workshop is all about original and complex spins, combinations on and off the floor, spins into inversions, spins to climbs, etc. You will also discover the secret of rotations on the static pole which will add extra flair to your moves and routines.
Requirements: basic fireman (beginners), 1 handed spins (intermediate), inverts (advanced)
5. Blok
Pole Gymnastics (Wszystkie poziomy)
Gimnastyka i taniec na rurze mają ze sobą wiele wspólnego. W tym warsztacie Hanka wykorzysta swoje 15-letnie doświadczenie jako gimnastyczka, aby skupić się na elementach gimnastycznych stojących za tańcem na rurze. Odkryj sekrety klatek na rękę, cartwheels, backflipów i walkkoversów na i poza słupem i polepsz swoje poleskills z prawidłowymi podstawami.
Koszt jednego bloku to 270 zł
Każdy Kolejny blok 250 zł
10 .30-12.00 Blok 1
12.30-14.00 Blok 2
14.30-16.30 Blok 3
17.00-19.30 Blok 4
9.30-11.00 blok 5
Gwarancją miejsce jest wpłata zadatku w wysokości 100 zł
Zapisy przez maila info@poledance.com.pl lub fanpage pole dance studio wrocław
Organizator zastrzega prawo odwołania bądź zmiany godzin warsztatów.
Minimalna Liczba uczestników na jednym bloku to 6 osób.
W przypadku rezygnacji zadatek nie będzie zwracany.
W przypadku kiedy osoba zapłaciła za warsztaty i nie pojawi się na warsztatach powinna znaleźć zastępstwo i poinformować o tym organizatora. Pieniądze za nie pojawienie się na warsztatach nie są zwracane.